petrol prices are encouraging increasing numbers of motorists to produce their own fuel from recycled material. The process can be quite simple. Waste cooking oil or another such material is poured into a fairly low tech biodiesel "reactor" that purifies, filters, refines and adds a few chemicals. Within twenty-four hours the waste oil is ready to be used in any diesel car.
Instead of paying £1.25p a litre at the local supermarket, this fuel costs around 15p, leading to savings of nearly £100 a month for an average family with two cars - as well as 90% of the greenhouse gases normally emitted whilst driving. Companies making biodiesel "reactors" report blossoming sales and ever increasing demand.
Ecotec Resources, based in Lancashire, are one such company. They sell biodiesel reactor kits and produce 100,000 litres of recycled fuel a year.
By law you can produce 2,500 litres a year for personal own use, but according to some sources a thriving black market in recycled biodiesel has developed with gangs fighting "fuel wars" to get their hands on the valuable waste oil. One fish and chip shop in Southend suffered a break in, aparently, just to steal the waste oil!
Larger organisations are also beginning to see the potential of recycled biodeisel and the Borough of Richmond is tendering for a £3.5m contract to run all its 300 council vehicles on recycled vegetable oil for the next three years. The council estimates that it could save nearly £100,000 and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by several thousand tons.
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Recycled Biodiesel
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